Ready to take your sexual exploration up a notch? Do you want something different and incredible to stimulate all your pleasure hormones and take you ‘there’ without breaking the bank?
Our Jumping Egg 3-Point Stimulation Vibrator is one of Australia’s best-selling sex toys. It is incredible, powerful, discreet, and suitable for fore-play and stimulation anytime.
Advanced with smart phone control, this sex toy is made from silicone and has 9 different modes of vibration to suit your needs. It is definitely a ‘nice to have’ around the corner!
Jumping Egg 3-Point Stimulation Vibrator
• It has an impressive battery life.
• It is controlled by an app. (bluetooth)
• It has a magnetic charging port and it’s easy to charge.
• It is powerful and quiet.
• It can serve as self-entertainment and can be used for couples stimulation.
• It is very affordable.
This sex toy is designed to add more pressure to your G-spot as it has more intensive levels of vibrations. So why wait? Order now never let the moaning stop!